Cookie Policy

Effective date: July 15th, 2024

1. Information and transparency

VostokInc respects the privacy of its Users. This Cookies Policy applies to the Cookies used on the Website. It describes the information We collect automatically through the use of automated information gathering tools such as cookies and web beacons.

Terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the Privacy Policy.

“Cookies” or “Tracers” means tracers that can be deposited or read, for example, when consulting a website, a mobile applicable, or when setting up or using a software. A cookie may include:

  • Cookie and HTTP variables which can be transmitted by invisible pixels or web beacons;
  • “Flash” cookies;
  • Access to terminal information from APIs (LocalStorage, IndexedDB, advertising identifiers such as IDFA or Android ID, GPS access, etc.);
  • Any other identifier generated by a software or operating system (serial number, MAC address, unique generated identifier (UTI), or any set of data that is used to calculate a unique fingerprint of the terminal (e.g., through a “fingerprinting method”).

3. How VostokInc is using Cookies?

a. Mandatory’s Cookies

VostokInc uses cookies to collect specific information, improve Your browsing experience, and make Your interactions with the Website more relevant. For example, we may use cookies to determine if You have ever visited the Website and to know the features of the Website in which You are interested, which allows Us to better customize the content of Our Website. Our supplier is

b. Analytical cookies / audience measurements

Analytical Cookies allow VostokInc to obtain anonymous statistics on the number of Users of the Website in order to optimize it and detect any malfunctions. These Cookies are placed on the Website by the companies Google Analytics, [●]

An IP address is a unique identifier that some electronic devices used to identify and communicate with each other on the Internet. When You visit the Website, We may consult the IP address of the electronic device You are using to connect to the Internet. We use this information to determine the general physical location of the device and to deduce the geographic area in which Our visitors are located. This is personal data within the meaning of the legislation and regulations applicable to the protection of Personal Data.

If You do not want the Website to store Cookies in your browser for audience measurement purposes, You may click on the following links where you will find additional information:

c. Social network / information sharing Cookies

In addition, the use of the Website may lead to the installation of certain cookies issued by third parties (communication agencies, audience measurement companies, social networks, YouTube, etc.) that are not controlled by VostokInc. The issue and use of these cookies are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties and subject to Your specific consent. If You want to find additional information, You may click on the following links:

d. User path personalization Cookies

Web beacons (also known as pixel tags and clear GIFs) are transparent electronic images that can recognize certain types of information on Your computer, such as the type of browser used to display a web page, Your visit to a particular site linked to the web beacon, and the description of a site linked to it. Certain pages of the Website may contain web beacons for the operation and improvement of the Website by VostokInc. These cookies allow VostokInc to provide you with content and/or product and service offers that are the most relevant and appropriate to your interests, based on your browsing on the website.

If You want to find additional information, You may click on the following links:

e. Advertising targeting Cookies

Advertising targeting Cookies allow VostokInc to offer you relevant advertising content according to your centers of interest expressed during your navigation. These Cookies are placed on the Website by the companies Google, [●]

If You want to find additional information, You may click on the following links:

4. Cookies’ retention term

VostokInc uses different categories of Cookies such as session-based cookies that only exist for the duration of Your web session and expire when You close Your web browser. VostokInc also uses persistent cookies that are kept in one of Your browser subfolders until they are manually deleted by You or until they are deleted by Your browser based on the time specified in the persistent cookie file.

Cookies are kept for thirteen (13) months after they are first placed on Your terminal. At the end of this period, the personal data collected through cookies will be deleted.

5. What are Your rights regarding Cookies?

Cookies are installed during Your first visit to the Website, but only subject to Your prior consent through the cookies banner which allows You to select the cookies you accept (except the cookies that are technically necessary to access the Website or the Services). You may withdraw Your consent and manage Your Cookies by accessing the dedicated feature accessible at the footer of the Website.

You can stop the download of cookies on Your computer by setting Your browser appropriately. Most browsers will tell You how to stop accepting new cookies, be notified when You receive a new cookie, and disable existing cookies. You can get directions by visiting and You can also manage, disable or allow cookies by changing Your browser settings by visiting the sites below (depending on the browser):

Please note that the lack of cookies may prevent You from taking full advantage of the features of our Website.

We would like to draw Your attention to the fact that Your opposition to the installation or use of a cookie will be taken into account by the installation of a "refusal cookie" on Your terminal. Therefore, please do not delete this refusal cookie if You wish Your choice to be taken into account.

Cookies information banner

The features listed below may rely on services offered by third parties (e.g. LinkedIn or Google). If you agree (consent), these third parties will deposit cookies that can analyze your behavior in order to improve our services and allow you to share our content.

Through these cookies, these third parties will collect and use your navigation data for their own purposes, in accordance with their privacy policy (link below).

This page allows you to give or withdraw your consent, either globally or by purpose. Preferences for all services: Allowing / Disabling / Set my preferences

Mandatory’s cookies

These are cookies that guarantee the proper performance of the website and allow its optimization. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. These are cookies that benefit from an exemption of consent.

Analytical / audience measurements’ cookies

These cookies allow us to obtain anonymous statistics on the number of visitors to the website in order to optimize its ergonomics, navigation, and content. By disabling these cookies, we will not be able to analyze the site traffic [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling

Social network / information sharing cookies

These cookies allow you to interact from the site with the social modules and to share the website's content with others or to inform them of your consultation or opinion on it when you click on the "Share" or "Like" modules of Twitter, for example. By disabling these cookies, you will no longer be able to share content from the website on social networks.

In addition, associated with the navigation data of the site, the social cookies allow VostokInc to create and diffuse certain personalized advertisements relating to its publications and its offers. By disabling these cookies, VostokInc will not be able to offer you this type of personalized advertisements.

  • Twitter – [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling
  • LinkedIn – [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling
  • Youtube – [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling

User path personalization Cookies

These cookies allow VostokInc to propose you, according to your navigation on the site, its contents and/or its offers of products and services the most relevant and the most adapted to your centers of interest. [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling

Advertising targeting Cookies

These cookies allow VostokInc or its partners to present you the most relevant advertisements and the most adapted to your centers of interest according to your navigation on the site. By disabling these cookies, advertisements unrelated to your supposed interests will be offered on the site. [Supplier’s name + hypertext link to its privacy policy] Allowing / Disabling

To learn more about how we process your personal data you can read our Privacy Policy.