What is Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is a browser automation library developed by the Chrome Dev Tools team.

Simply put, it is a tool that allows you to control your web browser with NodeJS scripts.

In more technical terms it supports automating Chrome/Chromium over the non-standard DevTools Protocol.

There is experimental Firefox support as well.

You can do almost anything with Puppeteer that you normally do manually. According to the official website , this list of possible actions includes:

  • Generate screenshots and PDFs of pages.
  • Crawl a SPA (Single-Page Application) and generate pre-rendered content (i.e. "SSR" (Server-Side Rendering)).
  • Automate form submission, UI testing, keyboard input, etc.
  • Create an automated testing environment using the latest JavaScript and browser features.
  • Capture a timeline trace of your site to help diagnose performance issues.
  • Test Chrome Extensions.

But it is also widely used to scrape websites that uses a lot of JavaScript, as scraping those websites with a traditional web scraping library like Axios is not possible.

This library is currently maintained by the Chrome DevTools team, so, basically, by Google.

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